Coronet Twilight Nav Series #3

Coronet Twilight Nav Series

Wednesday 19 March 2025
Coronet Peak
Event Type:

Coronet Twilight Nav Series

We are excited to be running a series of 3 rogaines up at Coronet Peak Skifield, starting next Wednesday 5th March. Come up and hone your navigation skills in some stunning terrain. Each week we will focus on a different area of the mountain - one out right, one out left and one on the cool terrain down below the ski area. There will be a 1 and 2 hour option available, and the starts will be flexible between 5pm - 6pm to enable you to get up there earlier or later depending on your schedule.
We will have a good range of easy control sites for beginners and kids, as well as some more challenging stuff for those wanting to test their nav. We will be up there and happy to offer help and advice to anyone wanting to know a bit more about the sport of rogaining or navigation.
You will be able to bring your dog with you. We may use the gondola for one of the events, but at least two of the nights will not use it (so you'll have to walk!) We will have results for each event, as well as an overall series result, so you should really do them all! (but you don't have to). It can be your ultimate after work adventure or a fun wander finding some little orange and white flags.
Weds March 5th
Weds March 12th
Weds March 19th
Parking - Coronet Peak Skifield (carpark 2)
Registration - Outside Cafe 1200 (upper level Coronet Peak base building)
Start/Finish - Outside Cafe 1200 (upper level Coronet Peak base building)
What is a Rogaine?

A rogaine is a navigation event in which you and a teammate (and maybe your dog!) compete to collect as many checkpoints in your allocated time as possible. You will receive the map before starting and have a short amount of time to plan out your route. Checkpoints are worth different amounts and you have to decide on the best route and which checkpoints you want to get. Most of the travel is off track and up at Coronet Peak you will have some tussock and rocky terrain to descend. The aim is to get the highest score you can in the allocated time and no more as you start to lose points after the time has finished.

You should ideally find a teammate to rogaine with, but if you can convince us of your rogaine and outdoor experience we are okay for you to go solo.

Control points are equal to the number of the control truncated to the nearest 10, eg control 53 and 58 are worth 50pts, while 83 is worth 80 pts.
You must be back after 1 or 2 hours, otherwise you will be deducted 15pts per minute.
Team members must stay together at all times.
You may compete solo at the organisers discretion based on experience.
No crossing through out of bounds areas. These are marked clearly on the map with olive green or pink stripe.
Do not travel on the mountain bike trails . Marked as green lines with black stripe.
Competitors must take compulsory gear.
Competitors shall not discard litter or unduly damage or disturb native flora or fauna.
Strictly No Fires or Smoking.
Do NOT travel on the mountain bike trails.
There are cliffs, steep and rocky terrain, and skifield equipment hazards. You are competing in mountain terrain and the weather can change quickly. Both dehydation and hypothermia are a risk. Competitors must take caution, especially traversing or going down steep slopes and not go anywhere they are not comfortable with.

Our safety phone number during the event is (Emily) 0221599820. Save this on your phone.

Compulsory Gear
1 x thermal top
1 x rain jacket
1 x head torch
1 x cell phone per team

We may also recommend taking hat and gloves, fleece top, compass, plus enough food and water for 1 hour/ 2 hours. If the weather is not looking so flash we may also require this gear so come along prepared.

We have a discounted price if you enter the whole series. If you don't know who your team mates will be for the whole series, then simply enter as an individual for the series, then team mates can enter for individual events as desired (making sure to use the same team name).
If you are entering an individual event then we would prefer people to pre-enter by midnight Tuesday before the event. You can enter on the night, but you will pay an extra $5 per person on top of the prices on the entry form.
Entries here